Friday, April 8, 2011

Week 7: A Struggle for Perspective

Now that journaling my eating habits and increasing my daily activity levels have become a larger part of my consciousness and day, I find my self pondering the larger perspective...

A beloved member of the community has passed away; a teenager fights to gain movement in her body; legislators wrestle over the debt of the future; freedom fighters march day and night; blood pours along streets; and thousands are displaced all over the world. Here in Montana, I'm worried about which variety of delicacy will touch my lips and how often my feet hit the floor. Good grief! I live in wealth, comfort, and protection. My troubles are very, very small.

Fittingly, the lesson this week was on balance. Which side of the balance beam my priorities lie and how I can tip them by choice. More than food or movement, there's sleep and hydration, reducing stress, increasing quality relationships, decreasing "lists" and "musts"...being still.

How fitting too, that we are in the Christian season of Lent...of pondering how many things we have gathered that burden our hearts: unforgiveness, bitterness, envy, resentment, debt, poor attitudes, lack of graciousness, violence, disrespect, carelessness, negligence, malice, gossip, ill-speech, (most of it due to lack of self control.) I am guilty of all, if only in thought. And as it turns out, The Good Book won't let me off the hook with just thoughts, either, for "as a woman thinketh, so is she."

In this season, I look forward to lightening my so many, many ways.

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